
How I lost 60 ​pounds postpartum ​without dieting

Get my exact strategy to lose body ​fat and build muscle without ​restrictive dieting and giving up your ​favorite foods.

my life was nothing like ​it is now just a few years ​ago

Hey Ya’ll I’m Bri!

I probably started right where you are.

Feeling like you’ve tried everything in the ​book to lose the weight.

Weight Watchers, Hydroxycut, Low Carb, 1200 ​calories... you name it I tried it.

Constantly starting over time and time again ​just for it to all come back a couple months ​later.

Hiding in baggy clothes, only posting pictures ​on social media where you “look skinny” or ​even straight up refusing to take photos.

For years I struggled with gaining and losing the same ​20 pounds over and over again. It went the same way ​each time.

I would restrict and stay “perfect” all week just to end up ​binging on burgers and fries every weekend.

I was constantly bloated, tired and surviving purely on ​caffeine.

I even got to the point where I couldn’t lose weight no ​matter how hard I tried.

and then I found a way to ​give up the diets, stoprestricting and lose the ​weight for good

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I learned how my metabolism works and ​why my weight loss stalled in the first ​place

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I was able to switch hour long workouts ​in the gym for 20 minute at home ​workouts

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I found ways to still enjoy my favorite ​recipes that were also baby led weaning ​friendly

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I started adding small simple habits each ​month instead of diving head first into ​everything at once

the weight started Falling off

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Th​e Fit Mama Society

and now I have helped hundreds of wo​men just like you ditch the diet and lose​ the fatfor good

does this sound like you?

You continue to wonder why you aren’t losing weight when you’re ​doing everything right

You’re eating less, you’re doing all the cardio but nothing seems to work. You’ve tried ​intermittent fasting, keto, weight watchers, Optavia and nothing seems to last. You can’t ​keep the weight off no matter how hard you try and so you think what’s the point?

You eat perfectly all week but then can’t stop eating all weekend

You stick to the plan all week and do so well but once the weekend hits you can’t stop ​eating. You go out to eat with your family and for some reason you can’t stop eating even ​when you’re full. You know that you should stop eating but you can’t, especially those ​Texas Roadhouse rolls.

You hesitate posting photos of you with your kids because you don’t ​like the way you look

Every time you take a picture with your family you immediately check to see if you look ​fat, if your stomach is showing too much or if its the perfect angle. You pick yourself apart ​and end up not even posting the pictures because you don’t like the way you look.

yes, that's me

it doesn't have to be this way!

imagine how amazing it ​would be to...

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Lose body fat without giving up the ​foods that you love

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Stay consistent this time and stop ​starting back over

Have complete food freedom and stop ​feeling guilty or “making up” for ​enjoying a treat

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Stare at yourself in the mirror every ​time you walk by because you can’t ​believe how amazing you look


The Fit Mama Fix

the ultimate course that will teach you how ​to ditch the diet, lose the fat forever and ​build a healthy sustainable lifestyle

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module on​e

Metabolism ​Mastery

This module is all about learning ​how your metabolism works and the ​difference between weight loss & fat ​loss.

module tw​o

Macronutrients ​for F​at Loss

In this module you will learn how ​the types of foods you eat work in ​the body, how they effect your ​metabolism and why they are ​important for overall health.

module three

The Fat Loss ​Formula​

This module is all about how to ​manipulate the energy balance ​equation for optimal fat loss

module three

Why You’re Not ​Losi​ng Weight

This module is all about why every ​attempt you’ve made in the past ​hasn’t worked and why it’s not your ​fault.

module fi​ve

The Fit Mama Fix ​Met​hod

In the last module you’ll learn how ​to stay consistent, change your ​mindset around fat loss, and ​implement life long sustainable ​habits

Set of fitness equipment placed on marble surface
Testimonial Stars Icon

Ka​ren D

“I have lost 10lbs just by ​following the advice in ​your ​course!”


Exercise Equipment on a Table
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St​ephanie L

“You are so motivating! I’m ​so glad that I bought this ​cou​rse!”

Healthy food and fitness dumbbell
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He​ather D

“I love all your recipes in ​the bonuses! My family ​loves​ them!”

did someone say bonuses?



Macros & Metabolism ​E-book

Prefer to read through an ​E-book rather than watch ​the course videos? A ​shortened less in-depth e-​book is included for free!



Fit Mama Fix Cookbook

Free Recipe Guide full of ​family friendly meals. I ​have taken our favorite ​recipes, made them more ​macro friendly and put ​them all together in this ​cookbook just for you!



Fr​ee Community

A free community of ​women just like you. ​Recipes, Workouts, Meal ​Plan Ideas, and more!

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this is for you if...

you are frustrated with being stuck in ​the same place month after month ​without seeing any progress

you are tired of doing all of the right ​things but never losing the weight

you are ready to feel confident when ​you go shopping and feel ecstatic ​when you go down a few sizes

you are excited about the possibility ​of being able to play with your kids ​and grandkids for a lifetime

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this is not for you if.​..

you already understand how your ​metabolism works and have ​successfully kept the weight off for ​years

you are looking for a quick fix, or ​looking for someone to tell you exactly ​what and when to eat

you’re not willing to put in the work ​required to actually meet your goals



how will the ​course be ​delivered?​

The course will be delivered via ​Kajabi. As soon as you purchase you ​will be sent a link to your email to ​login. There is also an ebook ​available if you prefer a document ​ove​r a course.


will I have access ​to the course right ​aw​ay?

Yes! All modules of the course will ​be available for you immediately so ​tha​t you can go at your own pace.


are there any ​refund​s?

Due to the nature of the the content ​being delivered digitally there will ​be ​absolutely no refunds.


what makes this ​different from other ​online advice?

This is an intro course meant to ​teach you how your body works. The ​concept behind teaching you how ​your body works instead of just ​telling you what to do is that your ​subconscious takes over and makes ​these decisions without you having ​to think about it.

Getting here wasn't easy, but its my ​mission to show you how you can achieve ​the same success.

have we met yet?

i'm bri, your new bestie ​& this is my story

I started dieting in 2015 and for seven years I ​tried everything in the book to lose the weight ​that I gained from an entire years worth of ​Starbucks trips. And then in 2022 I got ​pregnant with my son and everything ​changed.

I was diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes and ​I knew then that what I was doing was not the ​way I wanted to live my life.

Fast Forward to today and I am down 60lbs ​and have kept it off for over a year by ​implementing the framework in this course.

I don’t restrict myself, I no longer binge on the ​weekends and my husband and I even eat a ​homemade cookie every night.

this is possible for you too!

the unique framework

Hand Taking a Dumbbell from the Rack in the Gym

Learn how your ​metabolism works

Learning how you’re ​metabolism works will tap ​into your subconscious. ​This means that you will ​no longer have to actively ​think about what to do, ​you ​will just do it!

Kettle bells and dumbbells on floor near gym equipment

Implement small habit ​ch​anges

We are focused on habit ​stacking and adding in ​small changes a little at a ​time. No more going balls ​to the wall for a month ​just ​to quit the next week.

Fitness Women Having Fun after Workout

Keep the weight off for ​ye​ars

We are focused on ​sustainable change that ​doesn’t eliminate food ​groups, rely on magic pills, ​or require hours in the ​gym.​

Exercise Equipment on a Table


pay in full

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The Fit Mama Fix Course

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The Macro & Metabolism EBook

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Fi​t Mama Fix Cookbook

Online Community with ​ongoing support, recipes, ​workouts and more


normally $297

see you inside the course!



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